The opening of the 2025 navigation season is scheduled to take place on the following date and time:
Montreal / Lake Ontario Section: March 22, 2025 – 0800 hours (D.S.T.)
Welland Canal: March 22, 2025 – 0800 hours (D.S.T.)
Ship transits will be subject to weather and ice conditions. Restrictions may apply in some areas until
lighted navigation aids have been installed.
The target closing dates for the 2025 navigation season are as follows:
Montreal / Lake Ontario Section: January 5, 2026 (Year 2 of the pilot program)
Welland Canal: January 10, 2026
Sault Ste. Marie Locks and Canals
Opening of the Sault Ste. Marie Locks (U.S.A.) is currently scheduled for March 25, 2025. Please note the Notice to Navigation Interests released by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for further information.
Allowable Draft
In the Montreal / Lake Ontario Section, the maximum allowable draft will be 80.0 dm (26′ 3″). The maximum draft will be increased to 80.8 dm (26′ 6″) for all ships when the South Shore Canal is icefree and when water levels are favourable.
In the Welland Canal, a maximum allowable draft of 80.8 dm (26′ 6″) will be in effect from the start
of the navigation season for all ships.
Ships equipped with an approved and operational Draft Information System will be permitted to transit at a draft of up to 7cm above the maximum allowable draft provided they meet the requirements set out in Section 29 of the Seaway Handbook Practices & Procedures. There will be zero tolerance for ships to transit at drafts in excess of those specified in this Notice.